@guardian 7 years ago
Nissan to review Sunderland plant's competitiveness post-Brexit http://trib.al/Ces9kdp
@guardian 8 years ago
MPs to visit Sunderland to ask what city wants from Brexit negotiations http://trib.al/csE25Ui
@guardian 8 years ago
Sunderland looks to city of culture bid to reunite post-Brexit http://trib.al/Xnp5vnF
@guardian 8 years ago
UK economy up 0.5% since Brexit vote; Nissan to build new car in Sunderland – business live http://trib.al/jkVRhjd
@guardian 8 years ago
RT @GdnPolitics: Here's what @faisalislam found when he visited #Brexit voters in Sunderland http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/aug/09/post-brexit-sunderland-if-this-money-doesnt-go-to-the-nhs-i-will-go-mad?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
@guardian 8 years ago
Post-Brexit Sunderland: 'If this money doesn't go to the NHS, I will go mad' http://trib.al/jrXM3WG
@guardian 8 years ago
Post-Brexit Sunderland: 'If this money doesn't go to the NHS, I will go mad' http://trib.al/qnzMZn8
@guardian 8 years ago
Post-Brexit Sunderland: 'If this money doesn't go to the NHS, I will go mad' | UK news | The Guardian http://trib.al/xsIBkEK
@nytimesworld 8 years ago
RT @StevenErlanger: Labour's problems with the working class in pro-Brexit Sunderland. by @kimidefreytas http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/28/world/europe/european-union-brexit-sunderland-britain-cameron.html?ref=world
@nytimesworld 8 years ago
In Sunderland, a working-class city on England's northeast coast, few regrets over "Brexit." http://nyti.ms/28YGNL3 https://t.co/zNrTTw67Fh
@nytimesworld 8 years ago
In Sunderland, a working-class city on England's northeast coast, few regrets over "Brexit." http://nyti.ms/2954lOT https://t.co/fvTjJ4XVhy