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Current search:
" donald tusk "
5 years ago
Tusk: EU would be enthusiastic if Scotland applied to rejoin
5 years ago
Donald Tusk must put Europe before his old friend Viktor Orbán | Sławomir Sierakowski
5 years ago
Donald Tusk: “El problema de flirtear con la ultraderecha es que empiezas a pensar igual que ellos”
5 years ago
Brexit one of most spectacular mistakes in EU history, says Tusk
5 years ago
Francia lanza un gran pulso por marcar el futuro de Europa
5 years ago
Brexit will leave UK a 'second-rate player', says Donald Tusk – video
5 years ago
EU agrees Brexit extension to 31 January
5 years ago
European leaders expected to grant Brexit delay
5 years ago
Donald Tusk indicates EU would grant Brexit extension
5 years ago
Brexit: Antrag auf Brexit-Verschiebung in Brüssel eingetroffen
5 years ago
Donald Tusk refuses to rule out granting further Brexit extension – video
5 years ago
Bruselas afirma que “las bases” para un acuerdo sobre el Brexit están listas
5 years ago
La UE da una nueva oportunidad a Johnson antes de plantear otra prórroga del Brexit
5 years ago
Boris Johnson's Brexit deal appears doomed as deadline looms
5 years ago
EU may offer to extend deadline for Brexit deal to summer
5 years ago
Johnson hints at major reforms to tax and industry post-Brexit
5 years ago
EU's chief negotiator calls Johnson's backstop solution 'unacceptable'
5 years ago
Tusk y Johnson se echan las culpas por un posible Brexit duro
5 years ago
Tusk: Boris Johnson must not become known as 'Mr No Deal'
5 years ago
Donald Tusk rejects Boris Johnson request to remove backstop
5 years ago
Donald Tusk: Johnson may make Brexit more exciting, but we won't budge
5 years ago
EU view of Tory leadership candidates deeply critical, say sources
5 years ago
Donald Tusk says there’s a 20%-30% chance Brexit will be canceled
5 years ago
Donald Tusk: chance of Brexit being cancelled could be 30%
5 years ago
'I miss her,' says Juncker as EU heads meet without Theresa May
5 years ago
Donald Tusk chastises MEPs over criticism of 31 October Brexit delay
5 years ago
EU-Sondergipfel: Der nächste Brexit-Stichtag ist der 31. Oktober
5 years ago
El riesgo inesperado de un Brexit ‘por accidente’ hace saltar las alarmas en la UE
5 years ago
Flextension, extension, no deal: what next for Brexit at EU summit?
5 years ago
EU-Austritt Großbritanniens: May schlägt Brexit-Verlängerung bis 30. Juni vor
5 years ago
Donald Tusk will tell EU to back Brexit 'flextension' for UK
5 years ago
Donald Tusk calls emergency EU summit over Brexit
5 years ago
Tusk pide que se mantenga la puerta abierta a la permanencia del Reino Unido
5 years ago
Donald Tusk: EU cannot betray increasing majority wishing to remain – video
5 years ago
EU cannot betray 'increasing majority' who want UK to remain, says Tusk
5 years ago
Brexit: Tusk hält "kurze Verschiebung" des Brexit für möglich
5 years ago
Donald Tusk se abre a aplazar el Brexit hasta el 30 de junio
5 years ago
Juncker raises prospect of emergency Brexit summit next week
6 years ago
EU-Austritt: Labour-Partei fordert zweites Brexit-Referendum
6 years ago
British parliament voted to renegotiate their Brexit deal. Within minutes, the EU said no
6 years ago
The EU and the UK have agreed on what their post-Brexit relationship will look like
6 years ago
The dire shape of Theresa May’s Brexit negotiations, in one photo