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" ursula von der leyen "
5 months ago
EU und Großbritannien: Starmer hofft, die EU rätselt
1 year ago
Horizon Europe: Warum London wieder beim EU-Forschungsprogramm mitmachen darf
2 years ago
Großbritannien: Nordirische DUP lehnt neuen Brexit-Deal ab
2 years ago
Großbritannien: Nordirische DUP lehnt neuen Brexit-Deal ab
2 years ago
Nordirland: Was der Brexit-Deal für die Wirtschaft bedeutet
2 years ago
Brexit: Einigung im Brexit-Streit um Nordirland
2 years ago
Brexit: EU und Großbritannien einigen sich in Nordirland-Frage
2 years ago
Brexit: EU und Großbritannien einigen sich in Nordirland-Frage
2 years ago
Datenschutz: EU vergibt brisanten Auftrag - ausgerechnet an die Briten
3 years ago
Nordirland: Was der Bruch des Protokolls bedeutet
3 years ago
EU urged to finalise UK’s membership of £80bn research programme
3 years ago
A post-Brexit fishing spat between the UK and France has escalated
3 years ago
Von der Leyen rejects Boris Johnson bid to renegotiate Irish protocol
3 years ago
G7: Boris Johnson to face pressure from EU on Northern Ireland
3 years ago
Boris Johnson must respect rule of law and implement Brexit deal, says EU
3 years ago
Brexit: Northern Ireland protocol is ‘only solution’, says Ursula von der Leyen
3 years ago
Ursula von der Leyen says EU could punish UK over Brexit breaches
4 years ago
Despite the EU missteps, despite the vaccines, Brexit will still prove a grave error | Polly Toynbee
4 years ago
Bust-ups and brinkmanship: inside story of how the Brexit deal was done
4 years ago
Brexit-Ultimatum: Galgenfrist bis Mitternacht
4 years ago
Brexit: Michel Barnier warns that both sides stand at 'moment of truth' in trade talks – live news
4 years ago
Brexit: London hält Scheitern für "sehr wahrscheinlich"
4 years ago
Brexit: Ursula von der Leyen says 'path to agreement' between UK and EU now exists - live
4 years ago
Fish could still sink Brexit deal, says EU's Ursula von der Leyen
4 years ago
Brexit: Und weiter geht's
4 years ago
Hopes for avoiding no-deal Brexit hang on Boris Johnson call to Von der Leyen
4 years ago
No-deal Brexit is now likeliest, Ursula von der Leyen tells EU leaders
4 years ago
The Brexit Brussels dinner: fish and frank talk but no one left satisfied
4 years ago
Treffen in Brüssel: Brexit-Entscheidung soll bis "Ende des Wochenendes" fallen
4 years ago
Brexit 'evolution clause' is biggest issue to be resolved, says Merkel
4 years ago
Chances of Brexit deal hang on Boris Johnson and Ursula von de Leyen dinner
4 years ago
Brexit: Johnson heads to Brussels after UK holds out olive branch
4 years ago
Brexit: Boris Johnson kommt nach Brüssel
4 years ago
Europäische Union: Letzter Anlauf für die Brexit-Verhandlungen
4 years ago
Chance of a Brexit deal is no higher than 50%, say UK sources
4 years ago
EU und Großbritannien: Das Brexit-Drama steht vor dem Showdown
4 years ago
EU und Großbritannien: Dem Ziel so nah
4 years ago
Von der Leyen: EU willing to be 'creative' to seal Brexit deal
4 years ago
EU summit on 19 November seen as deadline for draft Brexit deal
4 years ago
Brexit talks remain deadlocked going into decisive week
4 years ago
Johnson and EU commission chief to hold talks before decisive week for Brexit deal
4 years ago
Brexit talks making good progress, says Ursula Von der Leyen
4 years ago
Johnson and Von der Leyen extend Brexit talks by a month
4 years ago
Is there still time for a Brexit trade deal?
4 years ago
Boris Johnson to speak to EC chief on Saturday in last-ditch Brexit talks
4 years ago
Brexit: EU launches legal action against UK for breaching withdrawal agreement
4 years ago
Ursula von der Leyen says Poland's 'LGBT-free zones' have no place in EU
4 years ago
Boris Johnson's hopes of securing Brexit trade deal given boost by EU
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