Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of Britain may have done something remarkable in striking a Northern Ireland trade deal with the E.U.: Moving Brexit off of center stage in British politics after seven years.
In the years since Britain voted to quit the E.U., many Eastern Europeans have left the country. Now, one pro-Brexit town has become one of many areas where agricultural employers are reporting stifling labor shortages.
Six and a half years after voting to leave the E.U., two years after it signed a post-Brexit trade deal with Brussels and one month after installing its fourth prime minister since the 2016 referendum, Britain is caught in yet another Brexit debate.
Confronted with the crisis in Ukraine, and issues several orders of magnitude graver than rifts over fishing rights or the movement of sausages, the chasm between Britain and the E.U. opened up by Brexit is beginning to narrow.
Despite a trade deal struck by Britain and the E.U., promises once made by Brexit campaigners that leaving the European Union would free companies from needless bureaucracy now sound like a macabre joke, particularly to Scottish seafood exporters
As the U.K. completes its final Brexit stage, the rupture with the E.U. will be painful to both sides. But while Britain is closer to fracture, the bloc has in some ways been galvanized.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has often left key decisions to the last minute, but critics say that modus operandi has complicated the handling of the coronavirus and jeopardized the chance of a post-Brexit trade deal with the E.U.
Britain and the E.U. were on a collision course Thursday, after Brussels demanded the withdrawal of proposed Brexit legislation that the government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson has admitted would breach international law
With the coronavirus disrupting negotiations with the E.U., Prime Minister Boris Johnson is facing building pressure to accept an extension of the Dec. 31 Brexit deadline
"Big Ben Must Bong For Brexit," one British tabloid headline read. A campaign is underway to get Big Ben in London to ring on the day the UK leaves the E.U.
"Big Ben Must Bong For Brexit," one British tabloid headline read. A campaign is underway to get Big Ben in London to ring on the day the UK leaves the E.U.
"Big Ben Must Bong For Brexit," one British tabloid headline read. A campaign is underway to get Big Ben in London to ring on the day the UK leaves the E.U.
"Big Ben Must Bong For Brexit," one British tabloid headline read. A campaign is underway to get Big Ben in London to ring on the day the UK leaves the E.U.
Parliament advanced Boris Johnson’s Brexit plan with little of the drama seen in past votes, paving the way for Britain’s January exit from the E.U.
Even by the wheel-spinning standards of Brexit, there was something remarkable about the circular futility of events on Friday, when Boris Johnson, Jeremy Corbyn and the E.U. all played chicken, waiting for the others to make the first move
Under Boris Johnson's new Brexit deal with the E.U., customs checks would be put in place for items coming in to the Republic of Ireland from Britain
Boris Johnson wants an election before Britain leaves the E.U., rather than after, when the costs of a disorderly Brexit could be clearer. “What he doesn’t want is an election down the road when we’re all eating barbecued rat,” said a baroness.
Amid fresh warnings of a chaotic Brexit, analysts expect a British general election in the fall. The question is whether it will be before or after Britain leaves the E.U.
The confused and chaotic Brexit process promises to plunge Britain into new constitutional unknowns as an Oct. 31 for leaving the E.U. deadline bears down
“If the U.K. still wants to leave the E.U. in an orderly manner, this agreement, this treaty, is and will be the only one,” Michel Barnier, the E.U. Brexit negotiator, said of Theresa May's plan. “If there is no deal, there is no transition.”
Brexit continues to defy prediction after the E.U. agreed to a short postponement. A lot of possibilities remain on the table, but what will actually happen?
A map showed the highest number of signatures for canceling Brexit came from British cities where a majority voted to remain in the E.U. in 2016.
Archbishop Welby, the principal leader of the Church of England, warned against the possible pitfalls of Brexit, five weeks ahead of Britain's exit from the E.U.
Archbishop Welby, the principal leader of the Church of England, warned against the possible pitfalls of Brexit, five weeks ahead of Britain's exit from the E.U.
Archbishop Welby, the principal leader of the Church of England, warned against the possible pitfalls of Brexit, five weeks ahead of Britain's exit from the E.U.
Theresa May's hopes in Brussels rest on a paradox: If the E.U. accepts a "no deal" Brexit rather than renegotiate guarantees on Ireland's relationship with Northern Ireland, it risks creating the hard border those guarantees are designed to prevent.
“It’s Brexit that’s the killer,” said the chief executive of Bentley, as businesses in Britain sound the alarm over the country's impending departure from the E.U.