The EU is making overtures for a post-Brexit defence collaboration with the UK – but London isn't listening 4 years ago
'Only a few days left': EU demands Britain swiftly breaks deadlocks in trade talks 4 years ago
EU Brexit negotiator Barnier mocked & cheered after tweeting picture of himself on a ‘level playing field’
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
Michel Barnier postpones Brussels return to continue Brexit trade talks in London 4 years ago
Doch wieder Brexit-Gespräche: Sie verhandeln auf der roten Linie
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
Government tells Michel Barnier 'no point' in him coming to London for more Brexit talks 4 years ago
EU-Handelsdeal: "Große Differenzen" bei Brexit-Gesprächen 4 years ago
EU’s Barnier accuses UK of ‘backtracking’ on commitments, but says Brexit trade deal ‘still possible’ 4 years ago
Brexit-Verhandlungen mit der EU: Michel-Barnier droht Boris Johnson mit No-Deal-Brexit 4 years ago
UK blames EU’s ‘ideological approach’ while Barnier berates London for being stuck in 1970s as Brexit trade talks stutter 4 years ago
Brexit: Ringen zwischen EU und Briten über künftige Beziehung beginnt 4 years ago
Brexit-Verhandlungen: Europa kann auch einig sein 5 years ago
Brexit: EU stellt Bedingungen für Handelsabkommen – Boris Johnson winkt ab - 5 years ago
Brexit: Michel Barnier sieht Verhandlungen als "riesige Herausforderung" 5 years ago
Änderungen bei Zusatzvertrag?: EU-Chefunterhändler robbt auf die Briten zu
@TheNewEuropean 7 years ago
Brexit talks gather pace on Monday as the EU's chief negotiator Michel Barnier travels to London to meet Theresa May and David Davis.
@TheNewEuropean 7 years ago
Brexit talks gather pace next week as the EU's chief negotiator Michel Barnier travels to London to meet Theresa May and David Davis