“One year ago at the general election, Scotland rejected this prime minister, rejected this Tory government and rejected their extreme Brexit. People in Scotland now need to know the price that we’ll be forced to pay." buff.ly
"It is as a result of Brexit and the power grab by Boris Johnson of devolved powers in Scotland during the Brexit process that the UK will lose Scotland." buff.ly
“You had a Brexit that took no account of the wishes of people in Scotland or Northern Ireland,” said a former Irish ambassador to Britain. “But that exists in parallel with a Conservative Party that celebrates the United Kingdom.” nyti.ms
“Tory plans for a Brexit power grab on Scotland represent the biggest threat to devolution since the Scottish Parliament was reconvened in 1999." buff.ly
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are emerging from lockdown at different speeds, straining a union already under pressure from the Brexit vote on.wsj.com
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are emerging from the lockdown at different speeds, straining a union already under pressure from the Brexit vote on.wsj.com
"The question is whether, in the long run, his party in England may be quite prepared to let Scotland and Northern Ireland go in pursuit of a 'perfect Brexit'." buff.ly
Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain vowed to knit together a country split geographically and generationally by the Brexit debate. But the future now seems uncertain, with restiveness in Scotland and Northern Ireland for leaving the United Kingdom. nyti.ms