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It was inevitable: Political score settling was layered onto the Euro 2020 championship, and European fans and leaders took more than a little glee in denying England a chance for Brexit vindication.
Negotiators for Britain and for the European Union convened in Brussels for what both sides warned was a last-chance session to strike a post-Brexit trade deal before a deadline of Dec. 31
Negotiators for Britain and for the European Union convened in Brussels for what both sides warned was a last-chance session to strike a post-Brexit trade deal before a deadline of Dec. 31
Britain’s Remainers, who fought for years to stay in the European Union, are reckoning with how to keep afloat a movement that may not get another chance to reverse Brexit for 30 or 40 years
Detailed polling has shown that the overwhelming majority of Labour's heartlands supporters back a new public vote on Brexit and would choose to stay in the European Union if given the chance.
The European elections are a chance for Labour to escape from the Brexit cage the party has built for itself after nearly three years of unconstructive ambiguity.
The organizers of a People's Vote march in London say there is one way out of the Brexit impasse: Give Britons another chance to vote on whether the country should leave the European Union