@npr.org 7 months ago
Are British Politics Broken?
@cbsnews.com 3 years ago
What's next for Putin, Russia and Britain in the New Year?
@abc.net.au 4 years ago
Boris Johnson yields to reality, but Brexit will come back to haunt Britain
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
"This is the beginning of the end of Britain as a major European power." Martin Bell, the former war correspondent and campaigning MP, on Brexit, Trump and his most recent brush with death https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/brexit-news/martin-bell-on-brexit-trump-and-his-brush-with-death-3846234
@BBCWorld 4 years ago
Brexit has seen tension between Britain and the EU over how to uphold the Good Friday Agreement The BBC's Ireland Correspondent @EmmaVardyTV explains why the two-decades-old deal matters so much http://bbc.in/3iGTfQd https://t.co/KY86mJnWsH
@cbsnews.com 5 years ago
U.K. general election voters flock to the polls
@theguardian.com 5 years ago
The five brothers forced apart by the war in Syria – podcast
@reuters.com 5 years ago
Brexit may have 'gravest of consequences' for health: UK lawmaker
@theguardian.com 5 years ago
Reporting on Brexit from Europe: 'I'll be mighty glad when it's over'
@reuters.com 5 years ago
DUP lawmaker hints at supporting a customs union post-Brexit: BBC correspondent
@nytimesworld 6 years ago
How did Britain find itself in this current mess? The New York Times's London correspondent @_StephenCastle explains Brexit for non-Brits. https://nyti.ms/2QOhheM
@guardian 6 years ago
On 29 March 2019 Britain will officially leave the European Union. But is Brexit definitely going to happen? Watch the Guardian's political correspondent Jessica Elgot explore whether Brexit is inevitable. https://t.co/Rt8b4qE3rk
@guardian 8 years ago
RT @guardianaudio: Introducing ‘Brexit Means ...’ our new in-depth #Brexit podcast with our European affairs correspondent @JonHenley… https://t.co/Ky12T8KGnx
@guardian 8 years ago
RT @guardianaudio: Introducing ‘Brexit Means ...’ our new in-depth #Brexit podcast with our European affairs correspondent @JonHenley… https://t.co/Hgg5IGGjgt