A study by the Centre for European Reform reveals the “troubling” cost of Brexit and says the losses are now too big to ignore, says @clarnictheneweuropean.co.uk
"Beyond being a glorious opportunity for roasting a supermarket’s social media team, what does the labelling of a Morrisons’ chicken as containing “non-EU salt and pepper” tell us about post-Brexit Britain?" Matt Kelly on this week's BIG controversy: theneweuropean.co.uk
Looking for a book to enjoy? Try 'The Big Book of Brexit Benefits' - two hundred pristine blank pages which you can fill in yourself as and when they become apparent! theneweuropean.co.uk
The U.K. is opening its doors to SPACs and big tech IPOs in a bid to compete with New York and to help London retain its place as Europe’s financial hub post-Brexit #WSJWhatsNowt.co
The U.K. is opening its doors to SPACs and big tech IPOs in a bid to compete with New York and to help London retain its place as Europe’s financial hub post-Brexit #WSJWhatsNowt.co