Often seen as serious to the point of greyness, former Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier has surprised many with his incendiary comments on immigration. So what lies behind them? buff.ly
“Those who championed Brexit and are crying salty tears now because of the consequences of Brexit need to accept that those are consequences of their decisions, their actions, and to not point the finger at others.” theneweuropean.co.uk
“The Tories and especially Johnson have to be made to own Brexit, own the lies and the laziness and the catastrophic negotiations that have led to this point. Please, Labour, do not throw him a lifeline he does not deserve.” theneweuropean.co.uk
"The Tories and especially Johnson have to be made to own Brexit, own the lies and the laziness and the catastrophic negotiations that have led to this point" theneweuropean.co.uk
"He’s not a details person, who is struggling to articulate what the point of his government is because no one knows beyond Brexit. Put those two together and he’s going to struggle for a while." theneweuropean.co.uk
"Boris is in a political difficulty that isn’t going away for a while. He’s not a details person, who is struggling to articulate what the point of his government is because no one knows beyond Brexit." theneweuropean.co.uk