‘We’re all ready’: how Sunak’s push for Brexit deal set up his biggest leadership test https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/feb/25/northern-ireland-protocol-rishi-sunak-brexit-deal-tory-backlash?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1677319503
Former Tory leader says Boris Johnson's real test won't be over Brexit deal - but what happens next https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/brexit-news/westminster-news/william-hague-in-telegraph-6752428
A “stress test” of immigration procedures that might result from a no-deal Brexit on Jan. 1 led to a miles-long backup of trucks in southern England https://nyti.ms/3laYgBD
A “stress test” of immigration procedures that might result from a no-deal Brexit on Jan. 1 led to a miles-long backup of trucks in southern England https://nyti.ms/3o3ppZf
A “stress test” of immigration procedures that might result from a no-deal Brexit on Jan. 1 led to a miles-long backup of trucks in southern England https://nyti.ms/33zbEd1
A “stress test” of immigration procedures that might result from a no-deal Brexit on Jan. 1 led to a miles-long backup of trucks in southern England https://nyti.ms/2Jgj2Cr
Britain's first major test-run for a chaotic no-deal Brexit scenario at its border is dismissed as "too little too late" by truck drivers, who said the process should have started nine months ago https://nyti.ms/2CWcjIg
Britain's first major test-run for a chaotic no-deal Brexit scenario at its border is dismissed as "too little too late" by truck drivers, who said the process should have started nine months ago https://nyti.ms/2FhsJg1
As Parliament prepares for a momentous debate over Prime Minister Theresa May’s unpopular plan to leave the European Union, the government is mocked for its first major test run of a chaotic no-deal Brexit scenario https://nyti.ms/2CWvC49
After a breakdown in Brexit talks, the UK's Theresa May faces a new test as she meets European Union leaders. Things could get worse, with warnings that a no-deal Brexit is more likely that ever. https://nyti.ms/2yGbWOP