The British energy minister dismissed concerns over potential food, fuel and drug shortages in the event of a no-deal Brexit as "scaremongering"
The British energy minister dismissed concerns over potential food, fuel and drug shortages in the event of a no-deal Brexit as "scaremongering"
For Britons who depend on medicine from the EU to manage conditions like diabetes, a no-deal Brexit conjures the alarming possibility of drug shortages: “If we don’t have insulin, we don’t survive, it’s as simple as that."
For Britons who depend on medicine from the European Union to manage conditions like diabetes, a no-deal Brexit conjures the alarming possibility of drug shortages: “If we don’t have insulin, we don’t survive, it’s as simple as that."
Although Brexit remains the most divisive issue within the British government, the contest to become the next prime minister has recently been dominated by several candidates’ admissions of drug use
Although Brexit remains the most divisive issue within the British government, the contest to become the next prime minister has recently been dominated by several candidates’ admissions of drug use.