While London’s once-thriving dining scene has been hurt by the pandemic and soaring energy prices, the labor shortage is almost wholly a result of Brexit, a conspicuous example of how Britain’s departure from the European Union is reshaping its economy nyti.ms
In France, many are struggling to pay rising energy bills and are weary from the yearslong struggle against the pandemic, but a blow-up-the-system choice, like the vote for Donald J. Trump in the U.S. or Britain’s choice of Brexit, would be a surprise. nyti.ms
In France, many are struggling to pay rising energy bills and are weary from the yearslong struggle against the pandemic, but a blow-up-the-system choice, like the vote for Donald J. Trump in the U.S. or Britain’s choice of Brexit, would be a surprise. nyti.ms
In France, many are struggling to pay rising energy bills and are weary from the yearslong struggle against the pandemic, but a blow-up-the-system choice, like the vote for Donald J. Trump in the U.S. or Britain’s choice of Brexit, would be a surprise. nyti.ms
In France, many are struggling to pay rising energy bills and are weary from the yearslong struggle against the pandemic, but a blow-up-the-system choice, like the vote for Donald J. Trump in the U.S. or Britain’s choice of Brexit, would be a surprise. nyti.ms