Auch nach dem Brexit geht es weiter, aber erstmal nicht auf dem Mars
@guardian 6 years ago
I used to pretend my epilepsy didn’t exist. Like a no-deal Brexit, it’s a dangerous game | Hadley Freeman
@guardian 6 years ago
I used to pretend my epilepsy didn’t exist. Like a no-deal Brexit, it’s a dangerous game | Hadley Freeman
@guardian 6 years ago
I used to pretend my epilepsy didn’t exist. Like a no-deal Brexit, it’s a dangerous game | Hadley Freeman
@guardian 6 years ago
Who are the people trying to stop Brexit? We hear from James McGrory, director of the People’s Vote campaign. Plus, Hadley Freeman reflects on antisemitism in the US. Listen to the full episode of Today in Focus, the essential daily podcast from The Guardian.
@TheNewEuropean 7 years ago
George Freeman MP has warned the UK could become “an old people’s home that can’t pay for itself” after Brexit. He was imagining what a bad deal could mean.