Call out to any credible pro-Leave politicians ... there's a seat for you on our panel. DM us if interested! So far we've had, ahem, difficulty getting anyone willing to show up and defend Brexit
Ken Clarke on Brexit: “No one voted for these things. A lot of Brexiters thought we should never leave the single market, of which Margaret Thatcher’s government was the architect. It was only supposed to have been about getting out of political Europe.”
After Brexit, truckers taking goods to the EU now need to plough through mountains of paperwork before getting on ferries. “It’s a nightmare,” says one.
“That’s a major relief. I was getting a bit worried about Brexit. But Liz Truss has saved the day by promising to drop import tariffs to zero on screwdrivers, Christmas trees and paint!"
The coming U.K. election is raising the prospect of other exits. With Brexit on the horizon, secessionist movements in Scotland, Northern Ireland and elsewhere are getting a new chance to make their case.