@nytimesworld 2 years ago
Prime Minister Boris Johnson suffered a new blow at the end of a week of turmoil in British politics when his negotiator on Brexit, David Frost, announced his resignation, citing differences over the direction of government policy. https://nyti.ms/3pbP2KQ
@nytimesworld 2 years ago
Prime Minister Boris Johnson suffered a new blow at the end of a week of turmoil in British politics when his negotiator on Brexit, David Frost, announced his resignation, citing differences over the direction of government policy. https://nyti.ms/3E4rcod
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
“One year ago at the general election, Scotland rejected this prime minister, rejected this Tory government and rejected their extreme Brexit. People in Scotland now need to know the price that we’ll be forced to pay." https://buff.ly/3ajt55k
@nytimesworld 3 years ago
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been trying to quell a rebellion among lawmakers from his Conservative Party as the British Parliament prepared to vote on Brexit legislation that the government acknowledges would violate international law https://nyti.ms/2ZBJxHS
@nytimesworld 3 years ago
Britain and the E.U. were on a collision course Thursday, after Brussels demanded the withdrawal of proposed Brexit legislation that the government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson has admitted would breach international law https://nyti.ms/3ijnld9
@nytimesworld 3 years ago
Britain and the European Union were on a collision course Thursday, after Brussels demanded the withdrawal of proposed Brexit legislation that the government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson has admitted would breach international law https://nyti.ms/3k5nLnH
@nytimesworld 4 years ago
Britain's Conservatives celebrated their biggest victory since Margaret Thatcher. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that the election results appeared to have given his government “a powerful new mandate to get Brexit done.” https://nyti.ms/34kewHU
@WSJ 4 years ago
U.K. government formally asks the European Union to delay Brexit for a third time, a request Prime Minister Boris Johnson had long resisted https://on.wsj.com/2pvK2UN
@nytimesworld 4 years ago
In another era, John Bercow's farewell address might have been an anodyne salute to parliamentary democracy. But amid the chaos over Brexit, it became a seething admonishment to Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government. https://nyti.ms/2UJXmjN
@nytimesworld 4 years ago
In another era, John Bercow's farewell address might have been an anodyne salute to parliamentary democracy. But amid the chaos over Brexit, it became a seething admonishment to Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government. https://nyti.ms/34CnRMD
@nytimesworld 4 years ago
In another era, John Bercow's farewell address might have been an anodyne salute to parliamentary democracy. But amid the chaos over Brexit, it became a seething admonishment to Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government. https://nyti.ms/34zaDQV
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
Although Brexit remains the most divisive issue within the British government, the contest to become the next prime minister has recently been dominated by several candidates’ admissions of drug use https://nyti.ms/2I6A9DP
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
Although Brexit remains the most divisive issue within the British government, the contest to become the next prime minister has recently been dominated by several candidates’ admissions of drug use. https://nyti.ms/2I6F87G
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
British lawmakers on Thursday voted to postpone the country’s departure from the EU. But in a rare victory for Prime Minister Theresa May, it narrowly failed to wrest control of the Brexit process from her battered government. https://nyti.ms/2TUtkfc
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
British lawmakers on Thursday voted to postpone the country’s departure from the EU. But in a rare victory for Prime Minister Theresa May, it narrowly failed to wrest control of the Brexit process from her battered government. https://nyti.ms/2TLM40y
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
"This is a Valentine’s Day massacre for the government and a damning indictment of the prime minister’s Brexit plan." http://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/theresa-may-defeated-over-her-brexit-deal-in-the-house-of-commons-1-5893084
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
Turmoil is gripping the British government, as a weakened Prime Minister Theresa May faces a vote of no confidence, while still trying to find an elusive majority for a Brexit plan https://nyti.ms/2DeMDHf
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
As Parliament prepares for a momentous debate over Prime Minister Theresa May’s unpopular plan to leave the European Union, the government is mocked for its first major test run of a chaotic no-deal Brexit scenario https://nyti.ms/2CWvC49
@WSJ 5 years ago
With Prime Minister Theresa May’s government in turmoil over the terms of a Brexit agreement, the prospect of “no deal” is getting real https://on.wsj.com/2QOFvFC
@WSJ 5 years ago
Sterling falls on cabinet minister resignations in U.K. government ahead of Brexit statement to be made by Prime Minister Theresa May https://on.wsj.com/2DEEJYT
@WSJ 5 years ago
U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit secretary resigns, signaling turmoil within her government over her plan for the country to exit from the EU https://on.wsj.com/2QHyI0r
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
An emergency cabinet meeting of the UK government to discuss a draft agreement for Brexit has the potential to make or break Prime Minister Theresa May’s political career https://nyti.ms/2QFV1nf
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
Boris Johnson’s resignation followed that of the Brexit secretary, David Davis, deepening divisions in Prime Minister Theresa May’s government as it negotiates terms to leave the bloc https://nyti.ms/2u6zeMd
@WSJ 5 years ago
Breaking: Boris Johnson resigns as U.K. foreign secretary amid turmoil over Brexit in Prime Minister Theresa May's government https://on.wsj.com/2u5WZ7l
@nytimesworld 6 years ago
This week will be a critical one for Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain as she faces a number of votes that could decide the fate of the Brexit process and of her government https://nyti.ms/2LJuEtV