@TheNewEuropean 1 year ago
They don't like to be called out for their Brexit lies - which is why it needs to happen more often, writes @campbellclaret https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/alastair-campbells-diary-brexiteers-are-the-real-snowflakes/
@nytimesworld 2 years ago
Britain is demanding an end to post-Brexit rules known as the Northern Ireland protocol. Here's what you need to know about the protocol and what would happen if Britain withdrew. https://nyti.ms/3lCx2r5
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
Kate Mosse: Brexit was an act of national self-harm.. they happen throughout history https://buff.ly/3pBg1wg
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
Kate Mosse: Brexit was an act of national self-harm.. they happen throughout history https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/brexit-news/interview-with-kate-mosse-7321132
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
"The blame for Brexit’s disintegration is being heaped on us, the Germans, anyone other than those who wanted Brexit and made it happen" https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/brexit-news/the-new-mantra-of-brexit-7072600
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
EU politician drops hint Brexit deal could happen 'at the end' of December https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/brexit-news/europe-news/guy-verhofstadt-brexit-deal-sky-news-6856740
@guardian 3 years ago
What will happen to my UK mortgage after Brexit? https://www.theguardian.com/money/2020/dec/09/what-will-happen-to-my-uk-mortgage-after-brexit?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1607497554
@guardian 3 years ago
With Biden elected, a no-deal Brexit would make Britain a pariah. It can't happen | Polly Toynbee https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/nov/10/biden-no-deal-brexit-cant-happen-boris-johnson?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1604999418
@nytimesworld 4 years ago
Britain has finally reached the point of no return; Brexit will happen. But the prevailing emotion is neither sadness nor excitement. Rather, it is a characteristically British reflex: Get on with it. https://nyti.ms/2u3LVuo
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
Brexit Party official says there is no reason why rejoining the EU can't happen https://buff.ly/30c1k7C
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
"Will the Lib Dems and Labour direct their fire on the one party that is unashamedly determined to make Brexit happen?" https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/jo-swinson-libdems-brexit-choice-to-make-1-6386857
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
The government loses the programme motion - meaning Brexit is unlikely to happen by October 31st. https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/list-of-how-mps-voted-on-the-brexit-bill-1-6336262
@guardian 4 years ago
Brexit deal won't happen tonight, government sources confirm – live news https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2019/oct/16/brexit-boris-johnson-races-the-clock-as-deadline-for-deal-looms-politics-live?CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium=&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1571262252
@guardian 4 years ago
Brexit deal won't happen tonight, government sources confirm – live news https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2019/oct/16/brexit-boris-johnson-races-the-clock-as-deadline-for-deal-looms-politics-live?CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium=&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1571251370
@guardian 4 years ago
Brexit forecast: what will happen between now and 31 October? https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/sep/27/brexit-forecast-what-will-happen-between-now-31-october?CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium=&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1569590852
@WSJ 4 years ago
Brexit is making people in Scotland reconsider leaving the UK. If that were to happen, the country could drop the pound create a new currency. Comic Kevin Bridges offered up the name “smackeroonies.” https://on.wsj.com/30xz3XG
@WSJ 4 years ago
Brexit party planners wonder how to plan a fitting national send-off if no one can say for sure when it’s going to happen https://on.wsj.com/2AyJYWp
@guardian 4 years ago
Cameron may have fought Brexit. But it was his policies that made it happen | John Harris https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/sep/16/david-cameron-brexit?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium=&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1568611579
@WSJ 4 years ago
Brexit is making people in Scotland reconsider leaving the UK. If that were to happen, the country could drop the pound create a new currency. Comic Kevin Bridges offered up the name “smackeroonies.” https://on.wsj.com/30ioF6e
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
"We’re no closer to a Brexit solution than we were three years ago, there’s discord in Boris’ party, the wrong Johnson has resigned, Boris is about to suspend parliament, and no-one knows what the f*ck is going to happen next." https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/hbo-s-last-week-tonight-with-john-oliver-on-boris-johnson-1-6259261
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
With Boris Johnson struggling with plans for Brexit and a general election, what could happen next? https://buff.ly/2ZHeziV
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
Brexit: What could happen next? https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/what-happens-next-with-brexit-1-6257699
@guardian 4 years ago
A no-deal Brexit even after a no-confidence vote: how could it happen? | Matthew d’Ancona https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/aug/04/no-deal-brexit-no-confidence-vote-how-eu-vote-leave?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium=&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1564939740
@nytimesworld 4 years ago
Boris Johnson will become Britain’s new prime minister, having won his party’s backing. He says Brexit will happen by Oct. 31, “do or die.” https://nyti.ms/2Y8Ik7j
@guardian 4 years ago
Johnson and Hunt’s wild promises don’t matter. No-deal Brexit will never happen | Jonathan Lis https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jul/02/johnson-hunt-no-deal-brexit-tory-parliament-public?CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium=&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1562090018
@guardian 4 years ago
Johnson and Hunt’s wild promises don’t matter. No-deal Brexit will never happen | Jonathan Lis https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jul/02/johnson-hunt-no-deal-brexit-tory-parliament-public?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium=&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1562085843
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
Donald Tusk has claimed that there was a "pro-European majority" in the European elections, and said Brexit had helped make it happen. https://buff.ly/2Wb53Ur
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
A no-deal Brexit is costing us millions even if it doesn't happen. https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/no-deal-brexit-ferry-contracts-cancelled-1-6026356
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
“George Galloway coming out in support of Nigel Farage's fascist 'Brexit Party' might be the most George Galloway-thing to ever happen.” https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/george-galloway-endorses-nigel-farage-1-6005487
@guardian 5 years ago
Brexit is delayed, so what needs to happen now? Our panel responds | Simon Jenkins and others https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/apr/10/brexit-delayed-eu-britain-31-october-theresa-may?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium=&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1554987224
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
Mrs. May will probably ask the EU next week for a long delay in Brexit. That is where 'flextension' comes in. If a long extension could be shortened, it would calm the fears of hard-line Brexiteers that it might never happen. https://nyti.ms/2UhvsyD
@guardian 5 years ago
Will crunch week finally reveal what kind of Brexit will happen? https://trib.al/qapFNpl
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
Brexit continues to defy prediction after the E.U. agreed to a short postponement. A lot of possibilities remain on the table, but what will actually happen? https://nyti.ms/2JzczCo
@guardian 5 years ago
Brexit: what could happen next https://trib.al/7a9zAIE
@guardian 5 years ago
Brexit: what could happen next https://trib.al/7a9zAIE
@guardian 5 years ago
Another Brexit crunch week: what could happen? https://trib.al/0FjYj3b
@guardian 5 years ago
Tuesday briefing: 'It is this deal, or Brexit might not happen,' says EU https://trib.al/sfgZ7gV
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
Customs workers in France slowed the flow of passengers to Britain to show what might happen in the event of a no-deal Brexit https://nyti.ms/2ESUzgK
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
Tory Remainer Dominic Grieve told Brexiteer broadcaster Julia Hartley-Brewer he would not allow an “illegal” no-deal Brexit and would have to be voted out if Brexiteers wanted it to happen. http://bit.ly/2ECUNK1
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
"It seems if Brexit does actually happen on March 29 this year, it will be a with a whimper, not a bang" https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/government-is-not-planning-to-mark-brexit-day-1-5909014
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
An Irish citizen has sent a thank you card to the EU Commission president because she was worried about what would happen to Ireland post-Brexit. https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/irish-citizen-sends-jean-claude-juncker-a-card-thanking-them-for-protecting-ireland-1-5884000
@guardian 5 years ago
Parliament voted to get a Brexit deal done now. So let’s make it happen | Caroline Flint https://trib.al/0ypCtKk
@guardian 5 years ago
Parliament voted to get a Brexit deal done now. So let’s make it happen | Caroline Flint https://trib.al/ZCkvylA
@guardian 5 years ago
What must happen next to break Brexit deadlock? https://trib.al/lX7XQdk
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
With the Brexit mess in Britain and the huge defeat of the divorce deal by Parliament, the European Union has a “catastrophic success.” And no one is sure what will happen, with a no-deal looming. https://nyti.ms/2FH8ys3 by @StevenErlanger
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
Theresa May's Brexit deal failed just 10 weeks before Britain was scheduled to leave the EU. Here's what could happen next. https://nyti.ms/2FEcCcO
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
Theresa May's Brexit deal failed just 10 weeks before Britain was scheduled to leave the E.U. Here's what could happen next. https://nyti.ms/2FG8c4O
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
“It’ll be like Y2K,” said a British voter, unperturbed by the prospect of a no-deal Brexit. “Remember that one? They were like panic, panic, panic, the world’s going to end, the electric grid’s going to go down. None of it is going to happen.” https://nyti.ms/2D8rQVt