Few cities are as caught between hope and history as Derry, the birthplace of the modern Troubles. Now, though, after nearly 25 years of peace, residents worry that Derry’s hard-won gains are in jeopardy from Brexit and so-called legacy legislation nyti.ms
In Northern Ireland, Brexit and so-called legacy legislation are reviving sensitive issues of Catholic and Protestant identity that civic leaders have sought to dampen. nyti.ms
Few cities are as caught between hope and history as Derry, the birthplace of the modern Troubles. Now, though, after nearly 25 years of peace, residents worry that Derry’s hard-won gains are in jeopardy from Brexit and so-called legacy legislation nyti.ms
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been trying to quell a rebellion among lawmakers from his Conservative Party as the British Parliament prepared to vote on Brexit legislation that the government acknowledges would violate international law nyti.ms
Britain and the E.U. were on a collision course Thursday, after Brussels demanded the withdrawal of proposed Brexit legislation that the government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson has admitted would breach international law nyti.ms
Britain and the European Union were on a collision course Thursday, after Brussels demanded the withdrawal of proposed Brexit legislation that the government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson has admitted would breach international law nyti.ms