British officials expressed relief that Prime Minister Boris Johnson was included in President-elect Joe Biden’s first round of calls with foreign leaders. Some had feared his steadfast promotion of Brexit might put him at the back of the line
"Even Johnson would struggle to paint Rayner, a working-class northerner with vowels as flat as the line on the PM’s Brexit deal’s life support machine, as a latte-supping Islington remainiac"
Ireland's new coalition government, formed across a historic political fault line after four months of negotiations, faces headwinds from Brexit, the pandemic and a housing crisis
Ireland's new coalition government, formed across a historic political fault line after four months of negotiations, faces headwinds from Brexit, the pandemic and a housing crisis
Ireland's new coalition government, formed across a historic political fault line after four months of negotiations, faces headwinds from Brexit, the pandemic and a housing crisis
Ireland's new coalition government, formed across a historic political fault line after four months of negotiations, faces headwinds from Brexit, the pandemic and a housing crisis
With Thursday's stunning election result, the Conservative Party is now composed of two wings: hard-line free marketeers and the newcomers, ex-Labourites who expect Brexit to lead to a revival of traditional industries
As hard-line Brexit supporters warm to Boris Johnson's new proposal to extract Britain from the European Union, he has another problem. It's going down badly with the European Union.
As hard-line Brexit supporters warm to Boris Johnson's new proposal to extract Britain from the European Union, he has another problem. It's going down badly with the European Union.
Boris Johnson has alarmed many Britons — including some of his own lawmakers — with his harsh Brexit rhetoric. But activists in his party support his hard line, forgive his missteps and believe he can win a general election.
Britain's Boris Johnson has faced one crisis after another since becoming prime minister. But his Conservative Party activists believe his Brexit hard line can win them an election.
Britain's Boris Johnson has faced one crisis after another since becoming prime minister. But his Conservative Party activists believe his Brexit hard line can win them an election.
Boris Johnson has alarmed many Britons — including some of his own lawmakers — with his harsh Brexit rhetoric. But activists in his party support his hard line, forgive his missteps and believe he can win a general election.
With the possibility of a general election looming, a local Welsh vote is an early litmus test of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s tough line on Brexit
On his first visit as Britain’s prime minister to Scotland on Monday, Boris Johnson pledged to defend the United Kingdom. But his critics believe his hard-line stand on Brexit could cause the union to break apart.
On his first visit as Britain’s prime minister to Scotland on Monday, Boris Johnson pledged to defend the United Kingdom. But his critics believe his hard-line stand on Brexit could cause the union to break apart.
After a brutal political reshuffle, the new cabinet appointed by Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain met on Thursday to sign up to his hard-line pledge to complete Brexit — without any agreement if necessary and whatever the economic cost
British lawmakers passed a measure to stop the next prime minister from suspending Parliament and forcing through a no-deal Brexit, undermining the hard-line strategy of Boris Johnson
Pro- and anti-Brexit campaigners face a crucial test in European elections on May 23, which threaten more danger for Prime Minister Theresa May. Led by Nigel Farage, hard-line Brexit supporters appear to have a head start.
Pro- and anti-Brexit campaigners face a crucial test in European elections on May 23, which threaten more danger for Prime Minister Theresa May. Led by Nigel Farage, hard-line Brexit supporters appear to have a head start.
Pro- and anti-Brexit campaigners face a crucial test in European elections on May 23, which threaten more danger for Prime Minister Theresa May. Led by Nigel Farage, hard-line Brexit supporters appear to have a head start.
“Why should Labour give Mrs May a life-line by allowing her to proclaim a big negotiating victory in persuading Labour to support her Brexit deal?”
Mrs. May will probably ask the EU next week for a long delay in Brexit. That is where 'flextension' comes in. If a long extension could be shortened, it would calm the fears of hard-line Brexiteers that it might never happen.
Jeremy Corbyn now has more power than any opposition leader of modern times, but he should feel no compunction to help Theresa May carry Brexit over the line.