Brexit means breakfast: behind the scenes at a Brussels all-nighter. Theresa May got her new Brexit deadline in Brussels. Jennifer Rankin and Daniel Boffey, saw it through to the bitter end and explain what happens now. Listen to Today in Focus:
As Theresa May heads to Brussels to plead for more time to scrape together a Brexit deal, her party is shedding members. Nick Boles dramatically resigned from the party last week and now feels emboldened to speak out. Listen to Today in Focus:
How bad is the coffee in the EU negotiation rooms? Former Greek minister Yanis Varoufakis talks to Anushka Asthana on what Theresa May can expect from the Brexit endgame. Listen to the full episode of Today in Focus:
Anushka Asthana joins her colleagues in Westminster on a chaotic and extraordinary day in British politics as Theresa May attempted to build support for her Brexit deal. Listen to Today in Focus, the essential daily podcast from The Guardian:
Podcast | Today in Focus: Can Theresa May deliver Brexit? The Guardian’s political editor Heather Stewart looks at the groups in the House of Commons that May will need to win over before 29 March. Plus: Caroline Davies on Prince Charles at 70 Listen now:
Who are the people trying to stop Brexit? We hear from James McGrory, director of the People’s Vote campaign. Plus, Hadley Freeman reflects on antisemitism in the US. Listen to the full episode of Today in Focus, the essential daily podcast from The Guardian.