The surviving Conservative Remainers have had little choice but to back some sort of Brexit, but their complete silence on the issue is shaming
The surviving Conservative Remainers have had little choice but to back some sort of Brexit, but their complete silence on the issue is shaming.
It was inevitable: Political score settling was layered onto the Euro 2020 championship, and European fans and leaders took more than a little glee in denying England a chance for Brexit vindication.
"I think this little one-week kerfuffle in no way justifies burning £200billion on Brexit so far and stuffing imports and exports services and travel with more paperwork that many businesses can handle."
A senior UK official close to the negotiations said the Brexit negotiations had been “a little bit tetchy at times” and “disruptive”, but had “gone well in terms of process”
Parliament advanced Boris Johnson’s Brexit plan with little of the drama seen in past votes, paving the way for Britain’s January exit from the E.U.