When Parliament advanced Boris Johnson's Brexit bill, there were no fiery exchanges or resignations. With the Conservatives' massive majority, the days of monumental, or even trivial, challenges to the government in the House of Commons are over. nyti.ms
When Parliament advanced Boris Johnson's Brexit bill, there were no fiery exchanges or resignations. With the Conservatives' massive majority, the days of monumental, or even trivial, challenges to the government in the House of Commons are over. nyti.ms
Prime Minister Boris Johnson vows to “get Brexit done on time, by the 31st of January” after he won an overall majority for his Conservative Party in Parliament nyti.ms
A majority of Remainers and Brexiteers would be prepared to see Northern Ireland leave the Union in order to achieve their preferred Brexit outcome, a survey has found. buff.ly
A former chair of the Conservative Party in a key marginal constituency has urged people to vote Labour to stop Boris Johnson gaining a majority for Brexit. buff.ly
The situation is fluid and the math in Parliament is tight. But despite a remarkable successions of miscalculations, Boris Johnson is within striking distance of a majority vote in Parliament for his Brexit plan. nyti.ms
"The overwhelming majority of questions asking people if Brexit is right or wrong, or if they would now vote Remain or Leave, show a lead for Remain, and have done for over two years." theneweuropean.co.uk
Defeat for Prime Minister Boris Johnson's party in a special election has cut his working majority in Parliament to one. It was also a success for an alliance of anti-Brexit parties. nyti.ms
The Liberal Democrats, who want to stop Brexit, struck a “Remain alliance” for a special election in Wales. A win for them would further weaken Boris Johnson's fragile parliamentary majority. nyti.ms
This by-election could give the Conservatives an even smaller majority, hindering further their plans to push through a calamitous no-deal Brexit. buff.ly
One ballot paper in the Cotswold seat of Tetbury town marked with the word “Brexit” was still counted - giving the Conservatives a majority of one. theneweuropean.co.uk
Detailed polling has shown that the overwhelming majority of Labour's heartlands supporters back a new public vote on Brexit and would choose to stay in the European Union if given the chance. theneweuropean.co.uk
“The fact is that on Brexit there are areas where the two main parties agree,” Theresa May said this weekend, as she searches for a deal that can win a majority in Parliament nyti.ms
“The fact is that on Brexit there are areas where the two main parties agree,” Theresa May said this weekend, as she searches for a deal that can win a majority in Parliament nyti.ms
With a disorderly Brexit less than two weeks away, Parliament failed to reach a majority on new proposals for the country's exit from the European Union. nyti.ms
For the first time in two years of negotiations over Brexit, Parliament voted on a catalog of alternatives to Prime Minister Theresa May's plan. None won a majority, but once-radical options like holding a second referendum got more support than expected. nyti.ms