@guardian 7 years ago
Campaigners launch fresh Brexit legal challenge over single market http://trib.al/5zXj5BM
@guardian 7 years ago
RT @guardiannews: 1️⃣ We're expecting Theresa May to tell us that #Brexit Britain will be out of the single market https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/jan/16/theresa-may-to-confirm-uk-exit-from-eu-single-market-speech?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
@guardian 7 years ago
Fresh Brexit challenge in high court over leaving single market and EEA http://trib.al/R6IHNlR
@guardian 7 years ago
Brexit secretary suggests UK would consider paying for single market access http://trib.al/09AOtOX
@nytimesworld 7 years ago
Brexit: Disclosures "suggest that the government is not even going to fight for the single market," says Labour MP… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/803768270809681920
@guardian 7 years ago
Brexit: UK government faces legal challenge over single market http://trib.al/lgT6N6N
@guardian 7 years ago
MPs demand vote on hard Brexit plans for UK to leave single market http://trib.al/1bnW1BM