British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was hoping this would be the moment of victory over his opponents. Instead he faced another defeat in Parliament over his faltering Brexit strategy
British lawmakers are drawing the battle lines for their next big fight: whether, and when, to hold a general election. Boris Johnson wants it right away, but his opponents would like to draw it out, securing an extension to the Brexit deadline first
What is the Brexit showdown about? Can Boris Johnson stop his opponents? What does he really want? How is this playing out? You have questions about Brexit. @meganspecia has answers.
Boris Johnson says he would rather Britain leave with a reworked Brexit deal but, failing that, it would be out the door anyway. His opponents have sworn to remove any possibility of leaving without a deal. There are six ways this could play out.
Boris Johnson says he would rather Britain leave with a reworked Brexit deal but, failing that, it would be out the door anyway. His opponents have sworn to remove any possibility of leaving without a deal. There are six ways this could play out.
Boris Johnson says he would rather Britain leave with a reworked Brexit deal but, failing that, it would be out the door anyway. His opponents have sworn to remove any possibility of leaving without a deal. There are six ways this could play out.
Boris Johnson says he would rather Britain leave with a reworked Brexit deal but, failing that, it would be out the door anyway. His opponents have sworn to remove any possibility of leaving without a deal. There are six ways this could play out.