@rt.com 4 years ago
UK parliament's intelligence report claims Russia tried to ‘influence’ Scottish referendum, says spy agencies should probe Brexit
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
Most British lawmakers are entrenched on one side or the other of the Brexit debate, so Parliament's vote on Prime Minister Boris Johnson's deal may be decided by three critical groups nyti.ms
@reuters.com 5 years ago
UK parliament demands new Brexit analysis before key vote
@spiegel.de 6 years ago
Risk of No Deal Brexit Grows 'Significantly': EU Politicians Believe Withdrawal Agreement Is Dead
@openeurope.org.uk 6 years ago
The Proposed UK-EU Brexit Deal: An explainer
@openeurope.org.uk 6 years ago
The Proposed UK-EU Brexit Deal: An explainer
@guardian 6 years ago
How will parliament's many tribes vote on the Brexit deal? trib.al