Nostalgia hasn’t always been a tool for manipulating our emotions – it was once a medical condition 8 months ago
Why the Voice could be a bulwark against Trumpism gaining a stronger foothold in Australia 12 months ago
Brendan O'Neill: A Heretic's Manifesto
@nytimesworld 2 years ago
In France, many are struggling to pay rising energy bills and are weary from the yearslong struggle against the pandemic, but a blow-up-the-system choice, like the vote for Donald J. Trump in the U.S. or Britain’s choice of Brexit, would be a surprise.
@nytimesworld 2 years ago
In France, many are struggling to pay rising energy bills and are weary from the yearslong struggle against the pandemic, but a blow-up-the-system choice, like the vote for Donald J. Trump in the U.S. or Britain’s choice of Brexit, would be a surprise.
@nytimesworld 2 years ago
In France, many are struggling to pay rising energy bills and are weary from the yearslong struggle against the pandemic, but a blow-up-the-system choice, like the vote for Donald J. Trump in the U.S. or Britain’s choice of Brexit, would be a surprise.
@nytimesworld 2 years ago
In France, many are struggling to pay rising energy bills and are weary from the yearslong struggle against the pandemic, but a blow-up-the-system choice, like the vote for Donald J. Trump in the U.S. or Britain’s choice of Brexit, would be a surprise. 3 years ago
Centrist Emmanuel Macron wins French presidency 3 years ago
Theresa May accuses Boris Johnson of 'abandoning global leadership'
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
Donald Trump looking to secure 'mini' Brexit trade deals before leaving office
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
Tory peer compares Boris Johnson to Donald Trump in tirade against PM's Brexit bill
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
Tory peer compares Boris Johnson to Donald Trump in tirade against PM's Brexit bill
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
Tory peer compares Boris Johnson to Donald Trump in tirade against PM's Brexit bill
@guardian 3 years ago
With Donald Trump gone, Brexit Britain will be very lonely on the world stage | Afua Hirsch 3 years ago
Boris Johnson und der Brexit: Um den britischen Donald Trump wird es jetzt einsam 3 years ago
Biden – Brexit – Corona: Boris Johnsons massives "BBC"-Problem - 3 years ago
Now what does Giuliani's Four Seasons Total Landscaping farce remind me of? | Marina Hyde 3 years ago
Boris Johnson sucht nach Donald Trumps Abwahl einen neuen Freund 3 years ago
Das Joe-Biden-Problem des Boris Johnson
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
UK might not secure post-Brexit trade deal with US even if Donald Trump wins
@BBCWorld 3 years ago
"The bravest person I have ever met" Brexit Party founder Nigel Farage praises Donald Trump after being invited to speak at the US president's campaign rally in Goodyear, Arizona 3 years ago
Nigel Farage hilft Donald Trump bei Wahlkampf: Bühne frei für zwei Populisten 3 years ago
Johnson will wait for US election result before no-deal Brexit decision 3 years ago
Umfrage zur US-Wahl lässt aufhorchen - Forscher lagen schon bei Brexit und Trumps Sieg 2016 richtig 3 years ago
News des Tages: Moria, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Brexit, Queen Elisabeth II. 3 years ago
Ex-diplomat Darroch astounded by UK plan to break Brexit law 3 years ago
Ex-diplomat Darroch astounded by UK plan to break Brexit law
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
The former UK ambassador to Washington reckons Boris Johnson is taking a page out of Donald Trump's book in regards to negotiating Brexit.
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
Ex-UK ambassador to the US says ‘aspect’ of Donald Trump is in Boris Johnson’s handling of Brexit talks
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
Boris Johnson’s government approaching senior Democrats to secure Brexit deal if Donald Trump lose 3 years ago
Nigel Farage Predicts Donald Trump Will Win The Election In November
After Trump and Brexit: The coming of the progressive wave
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
Boris Johnson’s government approaching senior Democrats to secure Brexit deal if Donald Trump loses
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
US trade expert hints post-Brexit Britain could be forced to lower food standards to clench trade deal with Donald Trump 4 years ago
Brexit: Deutscher Ex-Botschafter warnt vor zu selbstgefälligem Blick auf Großbritannien
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
"Why is Boris Johnson so against extending the Brexit transition period? Is it because he fears the USA will be less keen on a trade deal with the UK if Joe Biden succeeds Donald Trump after the presidential election in November?"
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
While we're all clapping NHS staff, the government is in talks with Donald Trump over a post-Brexit deal, with no real assurances the health service won't feature. 4 years ago
Donald Trump und Brexit: Was würde Immanuel Kant dazu sagen?
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
Ousting Donald Trump would hit Boris Johnson’s plans for a hard Brexit
In Depth Out Loud podcast: how a Frenchman born 150 years ago inspired the extreme nationalism behind Brexit and Donald Trump 4 years ago
BoJo triggers social media after telling 'juvenile anti-Americans' to 'grow up' over post-Brexit trade deal with US 4 years ago
Impeachment, Brexit, and the spectacle trap 4 years ago
Donald Tusk must put Europe before his old friend Viktor Orbán | Sławomir Sierakowski 4 years ago
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen: 'The Brexit Drama Is a Bitter Lesson for Populists' 4 years ago
The Guardian view on Trump’s war: UK goes from poodle to lapdog? | Editorial 4 years ago
Politische Jahresvorschau: Der globale Stresstest 2020 - SPIEGEL ONLINE 4 years ago
Wird 2020 ein gutes Jahr? 4 years ago
Jahresrückblick 2019 mit Martin Sonneborn: "Wir holen uns neue Probleme in die EU" -