Few cities are as caught between hope and history as Derry, the birthplace of the modern Troubles. Now, though, after nearly 25 years of peace, residents worry that Derry’s hard-won gains are in jeopardy from Brexit and so-called legacy legislation nyti.ms
Few cities are as caught between hope and history as Derry, the birthplace of the modern Troubles. Now, though, after nearly 25 years of peace, residents worry that Derry’s hard-won gains are in jeopardy from Brexit and so-called legacy legislation nyti.ms
"What gives me hope for the future is that the young population of the UK was hugely pro-Europe and was anti-Brexit and a lot of the older rear-guard who were hugely anti-Europe and pro-Brexit will die out in the next decade" theneweuropean.co.uk
“Boris Johnson can no longer cross his fingers and hope no one is paying attention to the huge Brexit mess hurtling towards us. We are running out of time” buff.ly
The departure elicited both hope and trepidation from Britons. Many simply were relieved that the bitter and divisive debate over Brexit was over. nyti.ms
Campaigners for a final say referendum have launched a new app which they hope will ‘re-open conversations about Brexit’ ahead of polling day. theneweuropean.co.uk
The European Union has given up any hope of keeping Britain in the bloc. Now it just wants the British gone. There are bigger external challenges to face and a complicated budget, and Brexit has sucked up too much time. nyti.ms
The European Union has given up any hope of keeping Britain in the bloc. Now it just wants the British gone. There are bigger external challenges to face and a complicated budget, and Brexit has sucked up too much time. nyti.ms
After days of gloom, there's hope for a breakthrough in Brexit talks. But diplomats are cautious, time is short and any possible deal could still be derailed. nyti.ms