@nytimesworld 2 years ago
Few cities are as caught between hope and history as Derry, the birthplace of the modern Troubles. Now, though, after nearly 25 years of peace, residents worry that Derry’s hard-won gains are in jeopardy from Brexit and so-called legacy legislation https://nyti.ms/3bABHaj
@nytimesworld 2 years ago
Few cities are as caught between hope and history as Derry, the birthplace of the modern Troubles. Now, though, after nearly 25 years of peace, residents worry that Derry’s hard-won gains are in jeopardy from Brexit and so-called legacy legislation https://nyti.ms/3aeORtp
@abc.net.au 5 years ago
Brexit offers glimmer of hope as Harry Potter actress joins retirees' fight for fair go on pensions