@spiegel.de 4 years ago
Minister of State Michael Roth on Brexit Negotiations: High Time for an Agreement!
@spiegel.de 4 years ago
Brexit: Europa-Staatsminister wirft London Missachtung früherer Vereinbarungen vor
@rt.com 5 years ago
Berlin to protect interests of Europe’s ‘smaller, northern democracies’ after Brexit – minister
@rt.com 5 years ago
Brexit deal ‘possible this week’ says EU’s Barnier, Germany’s Roth not so sure
@reuters.com 5 years ago
Brexit: German minister says all options for Britain on the table
@reuters.com 5 years ago
Britain must move to avoid no deal Brexit: Germany's Roth
@welt.de 5 years ago
Auswärtiges Amt „fassungslos“ über Äußerungen von Rees-Mogg
@faz.net 5 years ago
F.A.S.-Exklusiv: In der Bundesregierung wächst der Frust wegen London
@theguardian.com 5 years ago
UK 'silver spoon' MPs will escape Brexit fallout, says German minister
@dezeen.com 8 years ago
V&A director quits after expressing dismay over Brexit vote