One of the acclaimed BBC drama’s filming locations is being hit by a series of business closures - with government incompetence and Brexit being blamed
The festival, a series of exhibitions officially called “Unboxed: Creativity in the U.K.,” came to be known as the “Festival of Brexit.” It cost 120 million pounds.
After almost three years, a series of failed Brexit votes and 36 ministerial resignations, Theresa May is giving up. A look back at her turbulent tenure.
A series of protests have taken place on the south coast to send an SOS message across the English Channel in protest against Brexit.
Lawmakers will vote on Wednesday on a series of options for Britain's withdrawal process from the EU. A new consensus could emerge, though the voting also runs the risk of deepening the Brexit mess.
The Liberal Democrats’ Exit from Brexit campaign has hit a new milestone as MPs prepare to vote on a series of crucial votes in the House of Commons.
Lawmakers will vote on a series of proposals that could offer an idea of what kind of Brexit Britain’s deeply divided Parliament could swallow
Theresa May suffered a series of humiliating defeats in Parliament on Tuesday, the strongest sign yet that lawmakers are poised to reject the prime minister's Brexit deal
A series of catastrophic missteps by Theresa May, Arlene Foster and others look like condemning Britain to the very worst possible outcome in the Brexit negotiations. @janemerrick23 reports
"The ultimate truth about Brexit is that through a series of accidents a protest movement with wholly unrealistic and disastrous policies unexpectedly and unwillingly became a government set upon delivering them."
The young stand to lose the most from Brexit. But, ahead of a series of anti-Brexit events this weekend, 16-year-old activist Leo Buckley offers a rallying cry
"The road to Brexit series of speeches is done. The road to Brexit is not much clearer. And it is frankly terrifying that wishful thinking is the best they have to offer." @campbellclaret's latest column for The New European.