For Britons who depend on medicine from the EU to manage conditions like diabetes, a no-deal Brexit conjures the alarming possibility of drug shortages: “If we don’t have insulin, we don’t survive, it’s as simple as that."
For Britons who depend on medicine from the European Union to manage conditions like diabetes, a no-deal Brexit conjures the alarming possibility of drug shortages: “If we don’t have insulin, we don’t survive, it’s as simple as that."
A million lost jobs. An 8 percent drop in G.D.P. Idle factories. Insulin shortages. Capital flight. A plummet in the pound. Despite such warnings, many Britons just shrug at the prospect of a no-deal Brexit.
A million lost jobs. An 8 percent drop in G.D.P. Idle factories. Insulin shortages. Capital flight. A plummet in the pound. Despite such warnings, many Britons just shrug at the prospect of a no-deal Brexit.