Young people in Britain aren’t bad at learning languages – but the school system doesn’t make it easy for them
@TheNewEuropean 1 year ago
Brexit has damaged British construction through a self-inflicted skills shortage and higher prices for imported raw materials, writes @JontyBloombiz 4 years ago
Science Friction? Britain Lifts The Cap On Tech Visas But Will It Be Enough To Save Startups From Skills Shortages?
@nytimesworld 4 years ago
Britain on Wednesday revealed a new plan to limit immigration. Under post-Brexit rules starting next January, migrants will have to meet a number of criteria to qualify for a work visa, including specific skills and an ability to speak English. 4 years ago
'Raging Bullsh*t!' Boris Johnson battered online for 'Brexit' boxing session at Tyson Fury's gym 4 years ago
UK tourism industry set to struggle under post-Brexit immigration plans 4 years ago
Brexit - 5 Skills All Parties Need To Learn From CEO's Who Are Winning The Digital Transformation Battle 5 years ago
Let asylum seekers work while they wait for Home Office decision | Letters 5 years ago
Could Refugees Help To Solve The Post Brexit Language Skills Deficit?
@guardian 6 years ago
Low skills, low pay: that’s really why Brexit campaigners want to be out
@guardian 6 years ago
These are the negotiating skills David Davis will need to get a good Brexit deal | Patrick Forsyth
@guardian 6 years ago
Theresa May can still shape Brexit. But she may not have the skills | Martin Kettle
@guardian 6 years ago
RT @martinkettle: My latest Guardian column... Theresa May can still shape Brexit. But has she got the skills? | Martin Kettle
@guardian 7 years ago
Hammond puts aside £500m to fill post-Brexit skills gap
@guardian 7 years ago
Whitehall lacks skills for 'hard-nosed' Brexit negotiation, says former trade envoy - Politics live
@guardian 7 years ago
Four in 10 British businesses fear post-Brexit skills shortages
@WSJ 7 years ago
Stock-picking skills have a time and a place, but post-Brexit Britain isn’t it by @jmackin2