"Beyond being a glorious opportunity for roasting a supermarket’s social media team, what does the labelling of a Morrisons’ chicken as containing “non-EU salt and pepper” tell us about post-Brexit Britain?" Matt Kelly on this week's BIG controversy: theneweuropean.co.uk
“The Defund the BBC campaign is not connected with Brexit, the 2016 voting preferences of the team are therefore irrelevant,” a spokesperson claimed theneweuropean.co.uk
Brexit may have divided a nation. But on this soccer team, players of varied backgrounds and opinions show what it looks like to just get on with it. nyti.ms by @atmccann
Get the latest edition of our podcast here. The team tackle the doomsday Yellowhammer predictions, Boris Johnson's European jaunt and pen their own Brexit poetry. buff.ly
"Boris Johnson is not even trying to run the country, or to negotiate or pass a Brexit deal. He is purely and simply running a campaign team for an early election from 10 Downing Street" buff.ly
As Theresa May's rocky tenure comes to an end, incoming U.K. premier Boris Johnson is lining up a top team that is expected to lean toward the pro-Brexit camp on.wsj.com
Nigel Farage is to demand his Brexit Party becomes part of the government’s negotiating team if it is successful in the forthcoming European elections. theneweuropean.co.uk