@TheNewEuropean 1 year ago
Come hear what @campbellclaret really thinks about the damage Boris Johnson and Brexit wreaked on Britain. Limited tickets remain. Book now. June 29, Union Chapel, Islington. https://unionchapel.org.uk/venue/whats-on/seven-years-bad-luck-has-brexit-cursed-britain https://t.co/eIGpTwz7P2
@TheNewEuropean 1 year ago
Join Alastair Campbell, Bonnie Greer, Patience Wheatcroft, Tanit Koch and Matthew d'Ancona for a discussion on the damage Brexit has done to the UK. Tickets just £15 (£5 concession) - Union Chapel, Islington, N5. Thursday evening, June 29. Book NOW! https://unionchapel.org.uk/whats-on/seven-years-bad-luck-has-brexit-cursed-britain https://t.co/vYd8i3mdg3
@TheNewEuropean 1 year ago
Come hear @campbellclaret and friends discuss the damage Brexit has done to Britain in the seven years since the Referendum. He's promised to play us out on the pipes too ... Tickets on sale now! https://twitter.com/UnionChapelUK/status/1663512422965968896
@guardian 2 years ago
From Brexit to Boris, Trump to Truss, there’s been no shortage of material for Guardian columnist @MarinaHyde over the past six years. Join her this evening live in Manchester as she discusses life as a satirist with @rafaelbehr. @GuardianLive tickets: https://bit.ly/3PEdzCx
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
Gina Miller, the woman who successfully challenged the government twice in the Supreme Court over Brexit, will be speaking at a @tortoise ThinkIn on Monday 23 March. Get tickets here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/92548479995
Alex Fane at FutureBook Live: Staging the Spoken Word for Authors, Publishers
@telegraph.co.uk 5 years ago
Royal Albert Hall in Brexit costume row after soprano was asked to swap 'EU flag' dress for classical concert
@guardian 7 years ago
Flyer beware: Ryanair to sell tickets with Brexit caveat https://trib.al/DJAp6B1
@guardian 7 years ago
Flyer beware: Ryanair to sell tickets with Brexit caveat https://trib.al/CBNfNQc
@guardian 7 years ago
RT @GdnPolitics: Join @GuardianAnushka for a live #Brexit special of Politics Weekly in London on Thursday evening - tickets here https://t.co/wycQETHOsD
@guardian 8 years ago
EU plan to counter Brexit: give teenagers free InterRail tickets http://trib.al/zHcRfdO
@guardian 8 years ago
EU plan to counter Brexit: give teenagers free InterRail tickets http://trib.al/t3msHwT
@guardian 8 years ago
EU plan to counter Brexit: give teenagers free InterRail tickets http://trib.al/nwelDSs