@rt.com 3 years ago
‘Pathetic’: Tory MP Lord Balfe slams Russia Report, says Brexit was down to ‘basic xenophobia’ of voters
@rt.com 4 years ago
Mandate for IndyRef2? SNP expected to push for independence after landslide victory in Scotland
@theguardian.com 4 years ago
Juncker: Boris Johnson told 'so many lies' in EU referendum campaign
@reuters.com 4 years ago
UK Labour lawmakers told to back referendum on new Brexit deal: The Sun
@rt.com 4 years ago
Overturning EU referendum? Lawsuit over BoJo’s suspension of Parliament aims to ‘thwart Brexit’
@theguardian.com 5 years ago
Corbyn told to back new EU referendum or lose millions of supporters
@rt.com 5 years ago
Govt to offer MPs 7 options, including 2nd referendum – UK media
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
With 100 days to go until Brexit, campaigners for a People’s Vote have published a list of 100 things the British public know now that they were not told during the referendum https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/100-reasons-for-a-people-s-vote-and-to-stop-brexit-1-5824690
@theatlantic.com 6 years ago
The Reinvention of America
@guardian 7 years ago
John Bercow told students he voted remain in Brexit referendum http://trib.al/wDqKKdh
@guardian 7 years ago
The message of Brexit was mixed. Now we are told it was simply a referendum on immigration http://trib.al/tQb5AVe
@guardian 7 years ago
The message of Brexit was mixed. Now we are told it was simply a referendum on immigration http://trib.al/OnW7MAS