Unhappy about Brexit and aghast at the economic chaos unleashed during Liz Truss’s brief leadership last year, traditional Conservative voters are deserting the party in key English heartlands. https://nyti.ms/3pRDGyf
"Even before the last election there were reports of No.10 polling issues like trans rights to see whether these might rile up some traditional Labour areas even more than Brexit" https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/culture-war-straw-men-1-6707028
With Thursday's stunning election result, the Conservative Party is now composed of two wings: hard-line free marketeers and the newcomers, ex-Labourites who expect Brexit to lead to a revival of traditional industries https://nyti.ms/38yByhH
Traditional party allegiances are not enough in the Brexit era. A tactical vote is the only way to thwart the prime minister’s plans. https://buff.ly/2s7rOdr
The Conservatives have burned away some of their traditional supporters in their pursuit of Brexit and are heading towards a reckoning in the capital of Remain, says Barnaby Towns http://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/tories-facing-brexit-revenge-in-london-elections-1-5473957