Volatility in U.K. markets is compounding six years of extreme disruptions for British companies, starting with Brexit and stretching through the pandemic and the fallout from Russia’s war in Ukraine on.wsj.com
The G-7 summit that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson hosted over the weekend was a major opportunity to showcase the U.K.’s ambitions on the global stage, but wrangling over Brexit bled into the meeting on.wsj.com
British polluters could face higher costs for emissions in the U.K.’s new post-Brexit carbon market, a key plank of the country’s efforts to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions on.wsj.com
Boris Johnson's strategy for British policy is a bear hug of the United States, tying the U.K. ever tighter to Washington as Brexit loosens its bonds with Europe nyti.ms
British lawmakers look set to delay a decisive Brexit vote, likely forcing Boris Johnson to request a further delay before the U.K. leaves the EU on.wsj.com