Ireland's prime minister, Leo Varadkar, is in trouble in Saturday's voting. He may have won Brexit, but with voters frustrated over a housing crisis, he is facing every politician’s curse of being a status quo figure in a change election.
The election is the most crucial, and divisive, the U.K. has faced in a generation. Voters aren’t just choosing a prime minister but also the fate of Brexit.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson is wooing fed-up Labour voters with the promise of a quick Brexit. If his Tories win in the Midlands, they might pull it off, along with a realignment of UK politics.
Working-class voters in England's Midlands have reviled the Tories ever since the 1980s era of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. But Brexit has replaced her as the defining issue.
U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is betting Brexit voters care more about leaving than about past political allegiances. What do people in Newcastle-under-Lyme think?
Nigel Farage, Britain’s best-known populist, is back on the campaign trail, claiming that Prime Minister Theresa May has betrayed Brexit voters