What evidence will it take those advocating a no-deal Brexit to change their mind? @JohnnyLucas1 says to understand their mindset we should watch Netflix's Behind the Curve. theneweuropean.co.uk
It is hardly a new thing for the British to watch Theresa May struggle. But when her attorney general issued a damning legal opinion of the last-minute deal she had struck with the EU over Brexit, the blow was "probably fatal" to her efforts, analysts said nyti.ms
Watch @Femi_Sorry and @OFOCBrexit campaigners give health chiefs and ministers a helping hand with the 'no deal' Brexit stockpiling. More here: bit.ly t.co
"Since the 2016 referendum there's been a concerted effort by many - including government - to shut down debate about Brexit". Watch @SirPatStewart's rallying call for a #PeoplesVote on the final Brexit deal here. goo.gl