Rishi Sunak has hailed his new Brexit agreement as putting NI in an ‘unbelievably special position’. So where does this leave the rest of the UK? In this week's Politics Weekly UK, @johnharris1969 asks @lisaocarroll@rafaelbehr and @gavinbarwell about the new deal. t.co
Does the UK really regret Brexit? Three years after leaving the EU, @johnharris1969 talks to @rafaelbehr, @lisaocarroll and Larry Elliott about what Brexit has actually delivered, and where it’s headed. Listen to Politics Weekly UK wherever you get your podcasts. t.co
With Brexit back in the headlines there's never a better time to sign up to receive The New European's weekly analysis through your door. Get 13 editions for £1 each: buff.ly t.co
With Brexit back in the headlines there's never a better time to sign up to receive The New European's weekly analysis through your door. Get 13 editions for £1 each: subsave.co.uk t.co
With Brexit back in the headlines there's never a better time to sign up to receive The New European's weekly analysis through your door. Get 13 editions for £1 each: subsave.co.uk t.co
With Brexit back in the headlines there's never a better time to sign up to receive The New European's weekly analysis through your door. Get 13 editions for £1 each: subsave.co.uk t.co
With Brexit back in the headlines there's never a better time to sign up to receive The New European's weekly analysis through your door. Get 13 editions for £1 each: subsave.co.uk t.co
With Brexit back in the headlines there's never a better time to sign up to receive The New European's weekly analysis through your door. Get 13 editions for £1 each: subsave.co.uk t.co
The coming weeks will be crucial in the fight to stop Brexit. Get our weekly analysis delivered to your door by subscribing to 13 issues of the newspaper for just £20. Apply here: buff.ly t.co