The left-wing leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, is facing a revolt from activists over his noncommital policy on Brexit. If he loses a key vote, Labour could commit itself to reversing Brexit in a second referendum.
Jo Johnson, who has always been on the more pragmatic and pro-European wing of the Conservative Party, had been growing increasingly uncomfortable in his brother’s government as it swung more forcefully in the direction of a no-deal Brexit.
"I can't believe the socialist internationalist left-wing party is on the same side of Brexit as people like Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson."
Nigel Farage, one of Britain’s most divisive Brexit leaders, was doused with a milkshake while campaigning for European elections. But he's not the first right-wing politician to be targeted by a dairy-wielding protester.
Under Jeremy Corbyn, the UK Labour Party has united around left-wing economic plans. But on Brexit, unity was harder to achieve at an annual party conference.
Under its leader, Jeremy Corbyn, the UK Labour Party, has united around left-wing economic plans. But on Brexit, unity was harder to achieve at an annual party conference.
The right-wing media’s furore over George Soros’ donation to the anti-Brexit cause was because they fear his money could derail Brexit
May and her Brexit Bulldog, David Davis, seem to have concluded that concessions to the Dominic Grieve wing of their party needed to be matched by one cooked up to appease the Boris Tendency.