@axios.com 4 years ago
Post-Brexit trade deal with EU signed into U.K. law
@axios.com 4 years ago
EU member states unanimously approve post-Brexit trade deal days ahead of deadline
@axios.com 4 years ago
U.K. and EU reach historic post-Brexit trade deal
@axios.com 4 years ago
U.K. faces dueling crises as new coronavirus variant shuts down borders ahead of Brexit cliff
@axios.com 4 years ago
U.K. and EU agree to extend Brexit trade talks
@axios.com 5 years ago
Why Trump cares about this week's U.K. elections
@axios.com 5 years ago
Identity, violence and trade: Why Northern Ireland remains the unsolvable Brexit puzzle
@axios.com 5 years ago
From the U.S.-China trade war to Brexit, economic predictors are ignoring politics at their peril