@channel4.com 4 years ago
UK/EU ‘very far away’ as they prepare for talks – European Parliament Brexit trade negotiator
@channel4.com 4 years ago
“After a while you might have second thoughts”: President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli says Brexit is “not the end of the story”
@channel4.com 5 years ago
Mixed response to May resignation among European leaders
@channel4.com 5 years ago
Former Italian PM Paolo Gentiloni: ‘Brexit biggest mistake by a European country since war’
@channel4.com 5 years ago
European reaction to May’s Brexit withdrawal agreement defeat
@channel4.com 5 years ago
May lobbies European leaders for Brexit deal
@channel4.com 5 years ago
Danny Boyle on his WW1 tribute, Brexit, and being ‘a European’ first
@channel4.com 6 years ago
What are the prospects for UK trade after Brexit?
@channel4.com 6 years ago
EU leaders back May over Russia
@channel4.com 6 years ago
PM and Putin compete in EU charm offensive
@channel4.com 6 years ago
Theresa May ‘Committed’ to ‘backstop’ treaty clause
@channel4.com 6 years ago
UK and EU agree Brexit transition deal
@channel4.com 6 years ago
Theresa May warned that “friction is inevitable” after Brexit
@channel4.com 6 years ago
Major calls for vote on Brexit deal
@channel4.com 6 years ago
Corbyn backs new customs union with EU
@channel4.com 6 years ago
Remainers launch their own red bus campaign
@channel4.com 6 years ago
EU leaders agree to second stage of Brexit talks
@channel4.com 6 years ago
A delicate diplomatic dance: Brexit talks move on to second-stage
@channel4.com 6 years ago
What does Merkel’s coalition crisis mean for Brexit?
@channel4.com 6 years ago
Merkel ally: December breakthrough possible
@channel4.com 6 years ago
May says progress made at Brexit talks
@channel4.com 6 years ago
Brexit, Theresa May and the European talks
@channel4.com 6 years ago
May attends Brexit dinner in Brussels
@channel4.com 6 years ago
Political ping pong in Brexit negotiations
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Verhofstadt: Europe after Brexit
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Ulrike Guerot: AfD election success ‘snowball effect after Brexit and Trump’
@channel4.com 7 years ago
MPs to vote on EU withdrawal bill
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Is the government asking for too much in Brexit bill?
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Brexit Bill in the Commons – but big developments outside too
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Home Office EU immigration proposals leaked
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Davis accuses European Commission of pressuring UK
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Jean-Claude Juncker’s frosty verdict
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Bill Esterson: ‘Labour would work more closely with European partners’
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Trump-May talks: Trade deal to happen ‘very quickly’
@channel4.com 7 years ago
EU leaders cool on May’s EU nationals pledge
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Brussels talks: Theresa May speaks, but Emmanuel Macron stars
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Verhofstadt: ‘We are paralysed by an internal cat fight in the Tory party’
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Juncker to brief MEPs on Brexit
@channel4.com 7 years ago
May: EU trying to influence election
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Brexit: EU notification next week
@channel4.com 7 years ago
MPs vote on Brexit bill
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Brexit: May’s assurances to EU leaders
@channel4.com 7 years ago
EU – Brexit down agenda again, Putin at top
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Brexit could face new legal challenge
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Theresa May: firms need “some certainty” about Brexit
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Government under pressure over Brexit memo
@channel4.com 8 years ago
Juncker on Brexit: forget a la carte single market access