@qz.com 2 years ago
A new UK visa aims to bring talented graduates to Britain
@qz.com 3 years ago
The dream to turn Britain into Singapore-on-Thames is dead
@qz.com 3 years ago
Post-Brexit Britain has its sights on Asia—if it can get over Europe first
@qz.com 4 years ago
The campaign for Hong Kong’s freedoms has a new base: Britain
@qz.com 4 years ago
Britain has left the EU, but Brexit’s second act will be even harder
@qz.com 4 years ago
“Remember together”: A divided UK seeks unity on Remembrance Sunday
@qz.com 4 years ago
A Brexit delay could leave 10 million commemorative coins spinning
@qz.com 5 years ago
Brexit is causing an au pair shortage in Britain
@qz.com 5 years ago
Despite Brexit, the UK is even more dominant in currency trading
@qz.com 5 years ago
In Britain, even the prime minister’s family is falling apart over Brexit
@qz.com 5 years ago
The UK parliament just voted to delay Brexit—for the third time
@qz.com 5 years ago
A charismatic leader won’t get Britain out of its Brexit mess
@qz.com 5 years ago
Theresa May’s promise to resign isn’t just hollow — it’s virtually impossible
@qz.com 5 years ago
These tortured analogies can help you understand Brexit better
@qz.com 5 years ago
Britain’s long history of trying—and failing—to break away from Europe
@qz.com 5 years ago
Britain has always felt awkward in the EU, so its exit is sure to be bitter and chaotic
@qz.com 5 years ago
Post-Brexit Britain might look more like Ukraine than Norway
@qz.com 5 years ago
Brexit hasn’t happened yet—and Britain is already poorer
@qz.com 5 years ago
Britain now has two rival Brexit plans—and they’re both kind of terrible
@qz.com 6 years ago
Britain is quietly preparing for the world’s largest traffic nightmare
@qz.com 6 years ago
What happens with Brexit while Britain’s politicians are on holiday?
@qz.com 6 years ago
Just about everyone seems to be preparing for the Brexit nightmare scenario