Of all the glad tidings that Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised would flow from Brexit, one of the most far-fetched was a baby boom. But at least in his own case, Mr. Johnson has actually delivered on that pledge. https://nyti.ms/32DPG6M
Of all the glad tidings that Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised would flow from Brexit, one of the most far-fetched was a baby boom. But at least in his own case, Mr. Johnson has actually delivered on that pledge. https://nyti.ms/32Jh6bp
President Trump and Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain are both at the United Nations. But other things may also be on their minds: for Mr. Johnson, Brexit; for Mr. Trump, Ukraine and impeachment. https://nyti.ms/2mmAUAo
The resignation of David Davis, Britain's minister in charge of Brexit, makes it more likely that Prime Minster Theresa May will face a leadership challenge–possibly from Mr. Davis. https://on.wsj.com/2KFpBOZ (fixes typo)
The resignation of David Davies, Britain's minister in charge of Brexit, makes it more likely that Prime Minister Theresa May will face a leadership challenge–possibly even from Mr. Davies. https://on.wsj.com/2zn31FF