The EU is making overtures for a post-Brexit defence collaboration with the UK – but London isn't listening 3 years ago
‘Time running out’ to solve Northern Ireland Brexit issues, UK says, as EU warns London against breaching law 3 years ago
Relationship with EU ‘will be a bit bumpy for a time’ says UK negotiator as London explores doing things ‘differently’ to Brussels 4 years ago
UK’s Sunak coy on Brexit trade deal as time runs short: We shouldn’t be ‘stretching for a deal at any cost’ 4 years ago
London refuses Welsh proposal to ‘back down’ on fisheries as time runs low on Brexit trade deal 4 years ago
Post-Brexit talks resume in London as ‘significant differences’ remain on new trade deal 4 years ago
UK 'formally' tells EU it will not extend Brexit transition 5 years ago
London Fashion Struggles To Find Its Identity In A Post-Brexit World 5 years ago
Scuffles with police in central London as outraged anti-Brexit protesters march on 10 Downing Street (WATCH LIVE)
FutureBook Live 2019 Ramps Up: Maintaining the Cultural Caché of Books 5 years ago
'First London, then Brussels and Strasbourg': Juncker on Brexit vote – video 5 years ago
Why the EU should stick to Brexit deadline and rule-out any extensions | Cas Mudde 5 years ago
Protesters rally against Johnson's Brexit plans in UK 5 years ago
Protesters rally against Johnson's Brexit plans in UK 5 years ago
Simon Bates: Boris Johnson's latest Brexit move targets democratic process