@guardian 7 years ago
Hi-tech financial firms flee UK amid doubts over Brexit http://trib.al/8vF373Z
@guardian 7 years ago
Hi-tech financial firms flee UK amid doubts over Brexit http://trib.al/T7iFMF5
@guardian 7 years ago
RT @GdnPolitics: Concern grows in the City that Brexit-related bank moves could risk wider financial turmoil https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/feb/21/losing-banking-jobs-to-eu-threatens-financial-stability-across-europe?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
@guardian 7 years ago
Can post-Brexit London survive as Europe's cultural and financial capital? http://trib.al/zKQfJKy
@WSJ 7 years ago
The most vulnerable sectors to tariff charges post Brexit: Financial markets, auto makers and aerospace http://on.wsj.com/2j8jtwP