@guardian 7 years ago
The chancellor has failed to provide a clear direction on Brexit | Alistair Darling http://trib.al/kcx0n2M
@guardian 7 years ago
Brexit: MPs warn David Davis that lack of clarity is spooking markets http://trib.al/nZz3rwT
@guardian 7 years ago
David Davis vows to build national consensus on Brexit http://trib.al/Xid3Ya0
@guardian 7 years ago
RT @guardianopinion: What has David Davis told us about Brexit? | The panel http://ebx.sh/2cetckV https://t.co/SIlWNBDAd1
@guardian 7 years ago
RT @GdnPolitics: We are shortly expecting @DavidDavisMP to make a statement about the government's #Brexit plans. Follow it here... http://www.theguardian.com/politics/blog/live/2016/sep/05/david-davis-brexit-commons-statement-leaving-uk-since-brexit-vote-poll-suggests-politics-live?CMP=twt_a-politics_b-gdnukpolitics
@BBCWorld 7 years ago
RT @BBCNews: New EU migrants may face "right to stay" curbs, Brexit secretary @DavidDavisMP sayshttp://bbc.in/2a0VH66 https://t.co/QPopIV1UUO
@guardian 7 years ago
Boris Johnson, David Davis and Liam Fox as the Three Brexiteers? Dream on | Marina Hyde http://trib.al/P4pBjYV
@guardian 8 years ago
Brexit live: Ken Clarke says May 'bloody difficult', Gove 'wild' and Leadsom's views 'extremely stupid' http://trib.al/ZavO7yT
@guardian 8 years ago
Where’s the evidence that Jeremy Corbyn is to blame for Brexit? | John Curtice http://trib.al/QEbZJbT
@nytimesworld 8 years ago
‘Brexit’ Briefing: Boris Johnson isn’t running; Jeremy Corbyn seeks Labour revolution http://nyti.ms/296uaeU https://t.co/LW96uuav1H
@guardian 8 years ago
Prime Minister David Cameron tells Jeremy Corbyn to resign at #PMQs http://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2016/jun/29/brexit-live-sad-cameron-eu-immigration-corbyn-leadership https://t.co/j7R0E0gFZW
@guardian 8 years ago
Jeremy Corbyn tells Pride heckler 'I did all I could' to campaign against Brexit http://trib.al/1kT5ef9
@guardian 8 years ago
Jeremy Corbyn faces no-confidence motion after Brexit vote http://trib.al/s6CVumw
@BBCWorld 8 years ago
RT @BBCRosAtkins: Tony Blair says the priority is to stabilise the country across the political divide. #Brexit @BBCWorld https://t.co/KXdhoQq1rG
@BBCWorld 8 years ago
RT @BBCRosAtkins: Tony Blair tells BBC that David Cameron was right not to invoke article 50. #Brexit https://t.co/BSo5LBdeN4