@theguardian.com 3 years ago
Dominic Raab 'totally misunderstands' Northern Ireland Brexit terms, warns EU
@theguardian.com 3 years ago
No-deal Brexit is now likeliest, Ursula von der Leyen tells EU leaders
@theguardian.com 3 years ago
Chances of Brexit deal hang on Boris Johnson and Ursula von de Leyen dinner
@theguardian.com 3 years ago
Brexit talks making good progress, says Ursula Von der Leyen
@channel4.com 4 years ago
“After a while you might have second thoughts”: President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli says Brexit is “not the end of the story”
@theguardian.com 4 years ago
Brexit will leave UK a 'second-rate player', says Donald Tusk – video
@theguardian.com 4 years ago
Donald Tusk indicates EU would grant Brexit extension
@theguardian.com 4 years ago
'First London, then Brussels and Strasbourg': Juncker on Brexit vote – video
@theguardian.com 4 years ago
Brexit: EU must show flexibility, says Raab before Johnson-Juncker meeting - live news
@theguardian.com 4 years ago
Tusk: Boris Johnson must not become known as 'Mr No Deal'
@theguardian.com 4 years ago
The EU will not renegotiate Brexit deal, Juncker tells Johnson
@qz.com 5 years ago
Donald Tusk says there’s a 20%-30% chance Brexit will be canceled
@theguardian.com 5 years ago
Donald Tusk chastises MEPs over criticism of 31 October Brexit delay
@theguardian.com 5 years ago
Donald Tusk will tell EU to back Brexit 'flextension' for UK
@theguardian.com 5 years ago
Juncker raises prospect of emergency Brexit summit next week
@channel4.com 6 years ago
Jean-Claude Juncker’s frosty verdict
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Government under pressure over Brexit memo
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Juncker on Brexit: forget a la carte single market access