@qz.com 4 years ago
Britain’s Huawei decision will be its first major trade test in a post-Brexit world
@qz.com 4 years ago
Boris Johnson won. Now the Trump comparisons will be put to the test
@qz.com 4 years ago
Britain’s NHS is failing patients more than ever: Will it matter to voters?
@qz.com 4 years ago
In Britain, even the prime minister’s family is falling apart over Brexit
@qz.com 5 years ago
What does Nigel Farage, the original Brexiteer, want now?
@qz.com 5 years ago
Why Boris Johnson is the bookies’ favorite to be Britain’s next prime minister
@qz.com 5 years ago
How the UK is welcoming Indian talent shunned by the US
@qz.com 5 years ago
A charismatic leader won’t get Britain out of its Brexit mess
@qz.com 5 years ago
Donald Tusk says there’s a 20%-30% chance Brexit will be canceled
@qz.com 5 years ago
Are the UK’s two leading political parties on the edge of collapse?
@qz.com 5 years ago
A couple applied for new UK passports on the same day—only one says “European Union”
@qz.com 5 years ago
The upside of Brexit anxiety
@qz.com 5 years ago
Brexit is a failure of Britain’s entire political class
@qz.com 5 years ago
Britain’s constitution was not designed to handle Brexit
@qz.com 5 years ago
Brexit is destroying a British stereotype that has existed since World War II
@qz.com 5 years ago
How the messy Brexit could be an opportunity for India
@qz.com 5 years ago
Theresa May’s promise to resign isn’t just hollow — it’s virtually impossible
@qz.com 5 years ago
Britain’s long history of trying—and failing—to break away from Europe
@qz.com 5 years ago
As a hard Brexit looms, Brits are stockpiling food and prepping to evacuate the Queen
@qz.com 5 years ago
Why Brexit could be a boon for Indian students looking to study abroad
@qz.com 5 years ago
2018 was another record-breaking year for Brits seeking EU passports
@qz.com 5 years ago
Theresa May’s Brexit missteps are a lesson in bad leadership
@qz.com 5 years ago
Post-Brexit Britain might look more like Ukraine than Norway
@qz.com 5 years ago
Brexiteers love Brexit until they have to achieve it. Then they resign
@qz.com 5 years ago
“My deal, no deal, or no Brexit”: What Theresa May’s ultimatum means
@qz.com 5 years ago
Brexit hasn’t happened yet—and Britain is already poorer
@qz.com 5 years ago
Photos: Today’s Brexit protest could be one of the largest protests in UK history
@qz.com 6 years ago
What happens with Brexit while Britain’s politicians are on holiday?
@qz.com 6 years ago
The EU discusses emergency options for a post-Brexit Channel Tunnel